Files will be moved when merged. This makes the Previous system unusable.
Files will be copied when merged.
New File from “^”
Counting folders…
Replacing Existing Item
Adding New Item
Merging system resources…
Old File from “^”
Clean-Install System Merge
You will need to install a new “Clean-Install” System Folder before you can merge your previous System Folder. Please refer to Conflict Catcher’s manual for detailed instructions.
Clean-Install System Merge
This feature assists you in merging an older System Folder with a new “Clean-Install” System Folder. Are you currently running from the new System Folder?
Move Items is disabled because the System Folders are on different disks.
Copy Items is disabled because there isn’t enough disk space.
The list on the right shows the files and folders in your old System Folder that Conflict Catcher wants to merge into your new one. Uncheck the items you don’t want merged.
Click “Compare Folders” to scan the System Folders and identify which files should be merged.
Select the older System Folder that you would like to merge with your new System Folder.